Restricted Sales of Formula Milk

The Irish Multiple Births Association (IMBA) is aware that some retailers are rationing sales of formula milk due to increased demand in the Chinese market. Several supermarkets have introduced a limit of two tins per customer per day.


This restriction being placed on consumers does not take into account the unique needs of multiples families.  Multiple births families require significantly more formula than families with a single baby.

This policy will not only cause stress and embarrassment for multiples parents doing their weekly shopping, but also require them to travel to the supermarket more frequently,  placing unnecessary hardship on them.

In response, IMBA has written to the major retailers asking them to ensure that multiples families are able to buy the formula they need.

To date, we have received the following responses:

Tesco – Purchases restricted to 2 packs per customer. Customers are advised to a member of the Customer Service Team in store or a Duty Manager; explain you are a multiples parent. Vaccination booklets can be shown as proof.

Supervalu – Some stores have restrictions in place. Customers should speak to the relevant store owner/manager, who will not restrict purchases for multiples families.

Superquinn – purchases are restricted to 5 packs per transaction.  However to facilitate multiples families any customer with an IMBA membership card/vaccination record booklets for their children can purchase additional milk if needed above the restriction of 5 packs.

Boots Ireland – purchases are restricted to 2 cartons per customer.  We await a response from their baby team on any exception to store policy.

Should you have any concerns/difficulties in relation to this issue, please contact us on